02 9363 4643
If your symptoms include the following you may need root canal therapy:
Root canal therapy, also referred to as Endodontics, can help relieve this pain and inflammation by removing a tooth’s dead or inflamed nerve. The nerve space is then filled to prevent further bacterial infection.
At Blacktown Dentist we can help relieve you of these symptoms. Some root canal treatments can be done in one visit.
Treatments start from $650
Emergency Dentistry / Teeth Whitening / White Filings / Porcelain Crowns / Porcelain Veneers / Dental Implants / Invisalign Teeth Straightening / Hygiene & Hygiene Maintenance / Fresh Breath Clinic / Sleep Dentistry / Tooth Grinding & Snoring Solutions / Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease) / Root Canals / Extractions