02 9363 4643
Porcelain veneers are a common dental procedure and can immediately improve the appearance of your teeth and overall look of your smile.
Porcelain veneers are a thin, strong shell of porcelain made to fit over the visible surface of your tooth.
Porcelain veneers will typically last between ten to fifteen years, so they will eventually need to be replaced. To make your veneers last longer, follow a good oral hygiene program and make sure you have regular hygiene appointments. We will also provide you with some handy hints to ensure that your veneers last longer. Regular care and maintenance is crucial.
Emergency Dentistry / Teeth Whitening / White Filings / Porcelain Crowns / Porcelain Veneers / Dental Implants / Invisalign Teeth Straightening / Hygiene & Hygiene Maintenance / Fresh Breath Clinic / Sleep Dentistry / Tooth Grinding & Snoring Solutions / Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease) / Root Canals / Extractions